Fall 2023 Boards

Fall 2023 Boards
A pile of boards on my counter

Here are the boards from the Fall 2023 series, their names, and any other pertinent information. The boards are either "Full Size", which is around 15" x 11.25", or they are "Serving Boards", of various sizes (usually 6-8" x 9-11") but mostly intended for charcuterie presentation. They are oiled with multiple coats of food-safe mineral oil and butcher block conditioner. If you'd like to buy one, they come with a homemade wax "refresher" coating so you can touch up the finish on their own.

Locally sourced hardwoods from urban reclamation: Cherry, Maple, Black Walnut, Oak. Exotic hardwoods: Padauk, Purpleheart, Peruvian Walnut, Wenge.

High Gear

Walnut, Cherry, Red Oak, Maple, Padauk, and Purpleheart. The rich pinstriping reminds me of a race car. I have also a one-off "square" (~11x12") version of the High Gear pattern.


Carmen features bold Wenge, Purpleheart, and Padauk offset by some rich Peruvian Walnut and local Michigan Maple. The full size Carmen board is SOLD. The smaller charcuterie board is available.


Cherry, Maple, and both domestic and imported Walnut provide a warm, rich color palette that reminds me for whatever reason of an old club. Padauk and Purpleheart provide just enough flash to suggest a game is afoot. One of these are available, the other is SOLD.

Looking Glass

A symmetric Oak, Maple, and Walnut interior gives way to an asymmetric reflection—the pattern is the same, but the colors are shifted, as if seen in a looking glass.


A matched pair of boards with a fade pattern that suggests to me earth, rippling waves of golden grain, and a clear sky above. All of the woods are present here, making their contribution to the open design.


A matched pair of serving boards, approximately 8x10" in a rich, buttery looking texture formed from a symmetric arrangement dominated by the local Cherry, Oak, and Walnut.


Tulip is a small serving board (approximately 7x9") but is composed only of the boldest colors available. Cherry, Purpleheart, Padauk, and both local and Peruvian Walnut. It reminded me of those aerial views of Dutch tulip fields in the spring. It is SOLD.


I'll level with you—this is basically the "whatever I had left" board. But it ended up reminding me of ripples at the edge of a busy lake, full of rich warm tones.